LPSC, Université Joseph Fourier, IN2P3-CNRS, INPG
LPSC, 53, avenue des Martyrs, F-38026 Grenoble Cedex - France
Molten salt reactors, in the configuration presented here and called Thorium Molten Salt Reactor
(TMSR), are particularly well suited to fulfil the criteria defined by the Generation IV forum, and
may be operated in simplified and safe conditions in the Th/233U fuel cycle with fluoride salts. The
characteristics of TMSRs based on a fast neutron spectrum are detailed in this paper, focusing on
their excellent level of deterministic safety. We aimed at designing a critical TMSR able to burn
the Plutonium and the Minor Actinides produced in the currently operating reactors, and
consequently to convert this Plutonium into 233U. This leads to closing the current fuel cycle
thanks to TMSRs started with transuranic elements on a Thorium base, i.e. started in the Th/Pu
fuel cycle. We study the transition between the reactors of second and third generations to the
Thorium cycle in a European frame. -
The Thorium Molten Salt reactor (TMSR) presented here with no moderator in the core appears as a
very promising, simple and suitable concept of molten salt reactor. The non-moderated TMSR
configurations considered in this paper, based on a fast neutron spectrum, present particularly
interesting characteristics. Their deterministic safety level is excellent. They can be started with a fuel
made from the TRU wastes produced in current LWRs. Their rather large initial fissile inventory does
not prevent fast deployment thanks to their good 233U breeding. The technology which in principle
does not involve the transportation of radioactive materials outside the reactor site as well as the
presence of 232U within the fuel can be considered as restricting proliferation risks.
The concept itself has some appealing aspects compared to earlier versions of MSRs. The reactor core
is extremely simple. Simulation calculations do not point to major reprocessing constraints. In
particular the fluxes considered should allow the batch mode reprocessing to be installed in the
vicinity of the reactor. Initial studies of the scientific feasibility of the on-line control of the salt
composition and of its chemical and physical properties have not unearthed a showstopper.
When it comes to Generation-4, it appears that the major nuclear energy powers have given a higher
priority to the SFR concept. This mostly reflects a justified confidence in a technology which,
although it has not yet reached all the performances expected for a GEN-4 reactor, has already been
successfully tested in numerous projects. But all the properties detailed in this paper, especially its
deterministic safety performances and its ability to reduce the radio-toxicity of wastes currently
produced, put the TMSR in a very favourable position to fulfil the conditions defined by the GEN IV
International Forum. Moreover this TMSR concept may be very appealing to countries which hold
important thorium resources and have some remaining adjustment margins in the definition of their
nuclear energy policy. The TMSR is thus an excellent candidate to produce the large amounts of
nuclear energy that the world will need in the near future.
Henry Ford started with the Model T, not the GT-40.
A PWR can make a lifetime supply of electricity from 58 pounds of mined uranium. A dirt simple MSR using a once through fuel cycle can do it on 20 pounds or less. We have enormous supplies of uranium at say 4 times today’s price, which is almost zero cents per kWh.
We will need a breeder in a few hundred years, sooner would be good, but our immediate goal should be to design test and build the simplest MSR with a once through fuel cycle that can be mass produced and be shipped by rail or truck.
Bill Hannahan
How safe is this type of reactor. Would it produce fluorine gas during its operation?
Anon, Fluoride salts are very stable chemicals. Liquid salt reactors, unless very poorly designed are considered to be extremely safe.
"How safe is this type of reactor. Would it produce fluorine gas during its operation?"
Fluorine really, really likes having an extra electron; even more than chlorine. Like the chloride ion in table salt, it takes a lot to convert fluoride back into fluorine gas.
Some people forget more of their high school chemistry than other people.
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