On Friday Dallas experienced its 71dt 100 day of 2011 breaking the 69 100 degree day record set in 1980. But the Dallas record is nothing compaired to Wichita Falls which experienced 100 too degree days this year, shattering its old record of 79 fays set during the imfamous 1980 heat wave.
Number of 100-degree days for select Texas cities (as of Sept. 29, 2011)
--Wichita Falls: 100 days
--San Angelo: 97 days (San Angelo's previous 100 degree days record was 60 days in 1969)
--Waco: 85 days (Waco's previous record was 63 100 degree days in 1980)
--Del Rio: 82 days
--Austin (Mabry): 83 days (Austin Mabry was 69 days in 1925)
--Abilene: 79 days (Abilene shattered its previous record of 46 days in 1934)
--Dallas: 71 days (Dallas had 69 100 degree day in 1980)
People in Texas who say that Anthropogenic Global Warming is all a big hoax have been shown to be suffering from Anthropogenic heat stroke. You hear that Governor Rick Perry.
- Hat tip to Accu-weather.
Somehow I doubt Rick Perry would understand the very real objection to that argument (i.e. that weather isn't climate and that a single event can neither prove nor disprove global warming (not that we don't have ample proof of it though)).
When something happens all over a big state like Texas that has never happend previously in over a century, don't people want to know why? Weather may not be climate but climate is a pattern of weather events, and when the pattern changes dramatically, doesn't this suggest that climate may be changing dramatically as well.
Although 'no single event' can prove or disprove, obviously enough of this events would provide plenty of proof for most rational people. One question is, at what point do the number of these events become convincing. A second question is how many rational people have we got? With the number of people that feel evolution is some kind of fraud, you have to wonder. On the other hand, roasting in a 100 degree day is a lot harder to ignore than the theory of evolution.
Glad to see you appear to have recovered from your affliction.
Let's agree that this was a long, hot summer. Even that it broke records in every respect. What will be said if next summer is not a repeat of this one? Or that there isn't a repeat of this over the next 10 years? What shall we say then?
SteveK9: Although 'no single event' can prove or disprove, obviously enough of this events would provide plenty of proof for most rational people. One question is, at what point do the number of these events become convincing.
It's hard to say, though we don't really need individual events like this to know global warming is happening (we're actually looking at the global mean temperature, which is much simpler).
SteveK9: A second question is how many rational people have we got? With the number of people that feel evolution is some kind of fraud, you have to wonder.
There are a lot of people who just can't seem to accept that releasing extra CO₂ into the atmosphere not causing global warming basically violates the laws of physics (or requires our measurements of the sun's power output being pretty much constant to be wrong, basically no chance there).
SteveK9: On the other hand, roasting in a 100 degree day is a lot harder to ignore than the theory of evolution.
Then when they get a cold winter they'll say "It's freezing outside, so much for global warming".
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