Former pro-nuclear blogger Edward Geist, aka The Sovietologist, has graduated from blogging to a position with the Rand Corporation. In this brief study, he reviews some of the same issues about Generation IV nuclear echnologies that MSR Review looked at, and came to very similar conclusions about the effects of imposing the present the NRC system of regulation on any advanced nuclear technology. Geist quotes Leslie Dewan on the NRC system;
'the current system incentivizes reactor designers todevelop their first products outside of the US. In fact,this has already happened: some existing nuclear reactordesign companies are planning on building their firstpower plants overseas . . . because they do not think itwill be possible to build an advanced reactor in the USunder the current regulatory system . . ."
develop their first products outside of the US. In fact,
this has already happened: some existing nuclear reactor
design companies are planning on building their first
power plants overseas . . . because they do not think it
will be possible to build an advanced reactor in the US
under the current regulatory system . . ."develop their first products outside of the US. In fact,this has already happened: some existing nuclear reactordesign companies are planning on building their firstpower plants overseas . . . because they do not think itwill be possible to build an advanced reactor in the USunder the current regulatory system . . ."
It should not come as a shock, that the first Generation IV comercial prototype is expected to emerge from Canada as soon as 2021. The Canadians have been building very safe reactors for decades, will not following the NRC's archaic set of rules. The NRC is a drag on our economy and it is one of our biggest enemies in the fight against Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Not to my readers; the link is broken. However you can link to the report through either:
Not to my readers; the link is broken. However you can link to the report through either: or
I have really enjoyed reading and rereading the ThorCon Executive Summary. I think you will too if you have the ability to access and read it. Direct access to the document is
or from the ThorCon web sit under Library then Documents then Executive Summary.
The link to the RAND publication doesn't work. Searching the RAND site for publications by Edward Geist does not yield results.
OK - just finished reading it. The NRC is basically incapable of looking at new nuclear technology and industry won't spend a dime because the NRC is hopeless.
I have said for years to take MSR/Thorium overseas to countries that could use non-LWR technology: Taiwan, Singapore, Israel, China and so forth.
The Western World is way too hopeless. It isn't just the US. The western countries are run by cultural and economic Marxists who are in bed with the anti-industry, anti-science and anti-progress eco-fascist movement and they hate anything nuclear.
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