Friday, October 4, 2019

Searching for Charles Barton (UPDATE 12/5/2019: found)

UPDATE 12/5/2019:  A long-time friend of Charles passed along his obit.  He passed away August 24, 2018.  Here is his entry at

4 October 2019 post follows:

This is Engineer-Poet.  Charles gave me edit access to Nuclear Green some time ago to allow me to fix his typos.  I did this for a while, but not recently.

A while back, I noticed that Nuclear Green had not been updated in over 2 years.  I have mailed my contact address for Charles but not received a reply.

I have searched for news about him.  I found several hits for his name but not anything that I could identify as being about him.  I fear that he is incapacitated or dead.

If anyone has news about Charles, I would appreciate being let in on it.  If there is an obituary for him, I will post a link to it here.

Charles, wherever you are and whatever you are doing... I hope it's good.

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