Sunday, February 27, 2011

Radioactive Radon in the home, natural gas, and the New York Times

Three years ago, Nuclear Green began a thread based on my father's research on radioactive radon in natural gas. A few months after I posted my father's account of his research on radon in natural gas, I posted a discussion of radiation on Barnett Shale titled, "The Radioactive Texans." I argued,
We know thes things:

There are undoubtedly uranium and thorium associated with Barnett Shale.

Radon is a natural daughter product of Uranium and Thorium decay.

Radon is persent in natural gas.

The half life of radon-222 is 3.8 days.
Fron these facts I concluded,
Thus radon from Barnett shale sources could easily travel up a gas well from its Barnett Shale source, travel through local pipe lines, and get consumed in cooking in heating fires within a few hours. Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. Iowa research has shown that "cumulative radon exposure is a significant risk factor for lung cancer in women". "Radon gas is thought to be responsible for 5,000 to 20,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United States". Thus radioactive radon gas, transported to North Texas homes, from Barnett Shale gas wells, almost next door, constitutes a significant ganger to the health of North Texans. Needless to say, this problem is being ignored gas companies, the governments of Texas, and the United States. Interestingly, it is also being ignored by critics of nuclear power who complain about the radiation dangers of nuclear power, but are unconcerned about the radiation associated with natural gas. How much is radon from natural gas effecting the health of Texans? No one knows.
I followed up posts on my father's research on natural radiation exposures associated with the use of fossil fuels, with a post on the anti-nuclear activist, John Gofman. I noted,
Now there are two curious thing about Gofman's anti nuclear crusade. First he based his commitment upon a theory about the effects of radiation on human health, but his focus was on the relatively most insignificent source of man cause radiation in our society, power reactors. Compared to living in a house with a basement, or cooking and heating with natural gas, reactors brought to surounding neighborhoods much less radiation. In the case of useing coal fired power plants, reactors, greatly deminished environmental exposure to radioisotopes, associated with power production. The second curious thing about Gofman's crusade was that Gofman didn't test his theory with data about illnesses in the neighborhood of nuclear facilities. Working in a nuclear facility is associated with with a longer lifespan, and research investigation has not produced evidence that living close to nuclear plant makes it more likely that people to get sick.

Had Gofman been more rational and consistent, he would have included in his anti-radiation campaign, household use of natural gas, and custom of building houses with basements.

But the greatest paradox is that Gofman's anti-nuclear campaign actually contributed to public exposure to radiation, and radioisotopes. Gofman never opposed the use of coal in relation to radiation dangers, despite the presence of radioactive materials in coal fly ash. Fly ash exposed the public to far more radiation that reactors would. Did Gofman, who was by all acounts a brilliant scientist, not see the wider issues? Or was he so caught up in an irrational and Quixotic opposition to nuclear generation to electrity, that he saw, but did not care?
I generally practice a division of labor approach to nuclear blogging. That I note what other bloggers write about, and focus on topics which get less attention in the nuclear blogging community. This is not the case with Energy from Thorium, with which I view Nuclear Green as offering collaboration. Yesterday the New York Times carried quite and extensive story on the presence of radioactive radium in waste water frm the fracking process. And although this was an extensive story, the word "radon" did not occur in the New York Times story even though it has been known for nearly 40 years that natural gas is a source of naturally radioactive radon in the home, and it is known that farcked gas contains radon. The presence of farcked gas wells close to large domestic natural gas markets, means that natural gas with relatively high concentrations of radioactive radon enter homes along with natural gas used for cooking, heating, and water heating. The radon lingers, enters the lungs of home residents including children, and then it produces beta radiation which can cause cancer, If you do not want to read the whole story, Rod Adams offers a summery and comments. This is vintage Rod Adams, and well worth the read. Rod comments,
The health consequences of frequent exposure radium at high enough concentrations are quite different from those of tritium. Here is another question that begs to be asked - if the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's charter includes protecting the public from the hazards of radiation emitting materials, why aren't the truckloads of waste water from fracked wells subject to NRC monitoring and reporting?

This is not a new issue for the oil and gas industry. Drillers have known for a very long time that their drill bits and other gear that grinds up natural rock formation on the way to finding pockets of hydrocarbons often becomes contaminated with radioactive materials. They also figured out a long time ago that their profits would be put at risk if they had to meet the stringent requirements imposed by the NRC. Petroleum interests worked carefully to ensure that the NRC has no jurisdiction over what they branded as NORM - naturally occurring radioactive materials - associated with oil and gas drilling operations.

Health physicists understand that living tissue has no way to distinguish alpha, beta and gamma radiation into naturally occurring radiation and radiation produced by a human engineered process like operating a nuclear power plant. Legislators, however, are often motivated by wealth and power, not by science or medicine.
Natural gas pipelines offer a quick and deadly vector for radioactive radon from from fracked Pennsylvania gas wells into millions of homes where natural gas is consumed in the North East. The Michigan State University Extension Service tells us,
Radon gas is thought to be responsible for 5,000 to 20,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United States.

The major sources of radon are: soil that contains radon-releasing material; water and natural gas that has passed through underground areas containing radon; solar-heating systems that use radon-emitting rocks to store heat; granite rock; and uranium or phosphate mine tailings.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

21st Century Nuclear Challenges: 1 Mass Deployment, C. Renewables

The 21st century nuclear challenges series looks at the challenges facing any plan to impliment any massive deployment of nuclear energy in 21st century America. In the first section of the series, Part A looked at the challenges posed by coal. A strong case can be made that any rational plan for energy in the 21st century United States will call for the elimination of coal as a major energy source. Part B of this first section looks at natural gas, and finds doubts that ambitious plans for expanding the natural gas supply can be realized. In addition the usefulness of natural gas as a carbon mitigation tool must be questioned. Thus the future value of natural gas as an energy/carbon mitigation tool cannot be determined at the present time. We now must turn to the potential of renewable energy sources, to replace carbon emitting fossil fuels.

In 2008, Google had a plan to solve our energy problems by 2030. The Google plan, to be charitable, was not very good. In fact had Google come up with a business plan of equivalent quality we would have been doing all of our searches on Yahoo and Bing. It would appear from googling "Google plan 2030" that the 2030 energy plan is not exactly a hot activity for google, and in terms of current Google 2030 activity, the plan is as dead as a doornail.

The Google plan relied on renewables and efficiency to replace fossil fuel energy sources, and indeed more efficiency than renewables. Now, like every true, red blooded American, I am a great believer in efficiency, but I do not believe that efficiency can replace coal fired electricity generating plants. It is just not going to happen. No doubt there were some very intelligent people at Google - Google reportedly has a lot of those - who realized that the 2030 plan would never work.

The 2030 plan claimed it could reduce
* Fossil fuel-based electricity generation by 88%
* Vehicle oil consumption by 44%
* Dependence on imported oil (currently 10 million barrels per day) by 37%
* Electricity-sector CO2 emissions by 95%
* Personal vehicle sector CO2 emissions by 44%
* US CO2 emissions overall by 49% (41% from today's CO2 emission level)
Fossil fuel generated electricity would be replaced by renewables including,
* 380 gigawatts (GW) wind: 300 GW onshore + 80 GW offshore
* 250 GW solar: 170 GW photovoltaic (PV) + 80 GW concentrating solar power (CSP)
* 80 GW geothermal: 15 GW conventional + 65 GW enhanced geothermal systems (EGS)
There are, to say the least, serious problems with this plan. First Solar and wind are not dispatchable, and thus you may not give you the electricity you want at the time you want it. The 380 GWs of wind seems to be quite a lot, but the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) says, we cannot rely on more than 10% of our wind resources being available when we need them, and Texas has what is considered to be excellent wind resources. 380 GWs of wind resources seems quite a lot, but the National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that it would take 300 GWs of wind resources to supply 20% of American electricity. The 38 GWs of wind generated electricity that ERCOT says it can count on, would not provide Texas with enough electricity to keep all of its air conditioners running on some hot summer nights. 380 GWs of wind resources thus is not a lot. It would only in theory, however, experts that ERCOT
will tell you that the electrical output of all the wind generators in Texas can drop close to zero on some days. Solar PV and concentrated solar power just don't work at night.

Well what about Geothermal. There are two types of geothermal power. The first type relies on volcanic type underground heat resources. Pockets of molten magna, heat underground water in some areas. If you drill down far enough, say a mile, you can potentially tap into a source of super heated water. Pipe it to the surface, and it may flash to super heated steam, which can be used to drive turbines which can power electrical generators. Unfortunately most of the United States is volcano free, so the hot magna type geothermal source is not available in placed like East Tennessee where i live. There is a second type of geothermal power, called hot rocks geothermal. Hot rocks works by drilling down to where the rocks are really ho, say 20,000 feet under neath the surface. Pipe some water down and let the hot rocks heat it, then pipe it back up to the the surface, let it flash to steam, and run the steam though a turbo-generator. Unfortunately this type of geothermal power can cause earthquakes, and their development has largely stopped.

if you look at other renewable energy plans you see the same problems that we find in the Google plan. Al Gore proposed an energy plan in 2008. The Gore plan was similar to the Google plan only even more expensive ($5 trillion verses $4.4 trillion). The Greenpeace [r]evolution energy plan calls for 2030 goals of

* 355 GWs of wind generation capacity

* 200 GWs of PV capacity

* 55 GWs of Solar capacity

* 52 gWs of Geothermal capacity

* 79 GWs of biomass generating capacity.

But two other figures stand out in the Greenpease plans. First the Greenpeace plan calls for an increase in the dangerous, carbon emitting natural gas generating facilities of 95 gWs between 2010 and 2030. At the same time the Greenpeace plan calls for the shutting down of 88 GWs of carbon free generating capacity. Why would Greenpeace call for doing such a totally insane thing? Because the carbon free power plants are nuclear powered and Greenpeace hoes crazy when the word nuclear is uttered. Sp Greenpeace is prepared to replace a carbon free energy source with a carbon emitting source.

So how much will the Greenpeace plan cost? Greenpeace tells us,
The total investment required to achieve the Energy [R]evolution Scenario from 2005-2030 is just under $2.8 trillion,
This is almost half the Gore estimate, and about 2/3rds the Google cost estimate. One of the most outstanding qualities of Greenpeace is the capacity of its leadership to tell far fetched stories with straight faces.

it is clear that renewable energy solutions will be expensive, but how much can we rely on the estimates we get from renewable energy plans? The answer is very little.

A report from Israel, in the Jerusalem Post, gives us some insight. The story states,
Citing the fine print in a 2007 cabinet decision mandating 10 percent of electricity from renewable sources by 2020, the Treasury has launched a campaign to reevaluate the costs of alternative energy. . . .

According to calculations it presented at the ministerial meeting, a cost-effective feed-in tariff for renewable energy should be no higher than 40 agorot per kilowatt hour. The figure is based on a price of 28 agorot per kilowatt hour from coal, plus 12 agorot allocated for the cost of pollution from coal. . . .

No form of renewable energy – whether solar, wind, biomass or any other – is currently economically viable at 40 agorot per kilowatt hour.

No company could afford to produce renewable energy at that price. The new tariff for large solar fields which was announced last month, for instance, stands at NIS 1 per kilowatt hour. Wind tariffs are lower, but are still higher than 40 agorot. A feed-in tariff is the amount the state will pay to buy the electricity with a contract for at least 20 years.
One New Israeli shackle is the equivalent of $0.27. 40 agorot equals $0.11, or about the equivalent of typical electrical costs in the United States, It should be noted that the cost of energy storage or new transmission lines was not included in the Israeli renewable electricity cost estimates. So the real costs would be higher if Israel wanted to go to 24 hour a day electricity from renewable sources.

About a year ago, Tom Wynn a climate change and energy policy analyst at Cascade Policy Institute reported that Oregon ratepayers are getting socked by renewable drven electrical cost increases,
PGE is charging all of its customers a higher rate for the added renewable energy on the grid by charging 0.22 cents per kWh, or approximately $2.13 extra per month, for an average household. But this is not all; PGE has requested to raise rates an additional 7.4%, or approximately $6.70 more per month, for an average household. Part of this rate increase is due to the expansion of the Bigelow Canyon wind farm that will help meet legislative mandates.
A Center for Data Analysis report from the heritage Foundation found that a Renewable energy standard that
starts at 3 percent for 2012 and rises by 1.5 percent per year. This profile mandates a minimum of 15 percent renewable electricity by 2020, a minimum of 22.5 percent by 2025, and a minimum of 37.5 percent by 2035,
would quickly become very expensive. This EWS would,
* Raise electricity prices by 36 percent for households and 60 percent for industry;
* Cut national income (GDP) by $5.2 trillion between 2012 and 2035;
* Cut national income by $2,400 per year for a family of four;
* Reduce employment by more than 1,000,000 jobs; and
* Add more than $10,000 to a family of four’s share of the national debt by 2035.
CDA calculated that a RES would have a devistating economic impact on a typical middle class family of 4.

High Cost of Renewable Energy Systems

Clearly then renewable energy is going to carry a very high costs, and no plan yet advanced seems to offer a path to relief from the economic costs.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Should Nuclear Energy Be A Panacea?

Panacea Oil, IV's and Prescription bottles on canvas. Deidre DeFranceaux, American, contemporary, 1997. (Private Collection.)

This work by NNadir is crossposted from DailyKos. The link to the the diary on DailyKos is here.

Part of my paen to consumerism this Christmas, besides writing a diary at DailyKos about the collapse of the ice shelf at the North Pole, was to buy my oldest kid an effects box for his electric guitar. I stopped playing guitar myself totally around the time he was born, part of the problem being his habit, almost from infancy, from grabbing the guitar strings whenever I tried to play. I didn't have the heart to be angry about that, and anyway, playing guitar was something I learned to do because I was unhappy, and now, this wonderful baby before me, as a happy husband and a happy father, there seemed to be no point in the guitar.

My guitars therefore laid around doing not much for more than a decade, but one day my left handed kid starting playing my right handed guitar, and then started pestering me for lessons, and then started buying guitar stuff of his own, in spite of his limited resources. I ended up taking him to guitar stores and we bought this effects box, and I have to admit that it's so damn cool and so damn versatile that I have been known to sneak in some riffs here and there on the kid's guitar.

When I was a kid, and I played in clubs and bars and at dances and a parties one song I used to play both acoustic and electric was Bob Dylan's wonderfully disjointed and witty "Stuck Inside of Mobile, With the Memphis Blues Again."

Being unhappy I used to sing the lines...

When Ruthie says "Come see me"
In her honky tonk lagoon,
Where I can watch her waltz for free
Beneath the Panamian moon,
I say, "Oh come on now,
I know you know about my debutante"
And she says, "Your debutante just knows what you need
But I know what you want"

...while engaging of an anxious fantasy that someone might someday know or care either about what I needed or about what I wanted because at the time, few people cared about either.

Things are different for me now. I no longer play the guitar that much, don't belong to a band, and I have become a westernized bourgeois consumer who is quite smug, supercilious and sanctimonious about my lifestyle.

The Western bourgeois consumer culture has now more or less subsumed every culture on the planet, so that even those who do not have what they need, do not merely hope to someday have they need but also want to have what has been for more than half a century, the American lifestyle.

Not so long ago, the bicycle was the chief form of transport in China, and believe it or not, the population of China did not collapse as a result.

Almost 60 years ago - a fact that is little remarked upon today - a Japanese army on bicycles conquered the entire Malaysian peninsula from the British Empire, ending with the capture, via the back door, of the "impregnable fortress" of Singapore.

Even if life in the United States isn't all that different than it was in the "Leave It to Beaver" American culture, things in Asia have changed in the last 60 years. For one thing, the bicycle is nowhere near as central to life as it used to be.

In January 2011 - one month - 1.89 million cars were sold in China, and according to my Chinese friends, many of their cities are more choked with traffic than Los Angeles ever was. In a mote of high comedy or high tragedy - take your pick - the Chinese government announced that subsidize the Chevy Camaro - one with a V6 - because it was a "green" car. At this rate, China will add one hundred million cars to the world's vast inventory of these toxic monsters which represent the evils of distributed energy writ large every half a decade. And that's just China. Predictably, car culture Americans will be inspired reprovingly to wag their fingers at China for having the audacity to want to live like Americans have lived for more than six decades. How dare they?

Power is not energy. Somehow or another this very simple physics concept seems to escape many people. Power is a function of energy and of time. Thus a solar PV plant that has a maximal peak power of say 100 megawatts (something that would involve huge land surface areas by the way) - a power level that it may actually achieve for less than 50 seconds on a very, very, very, very good day maybe once a year, if ever - is not the equivalent of 1/10th of a 1000 MW nuclear power plant that operates at close to 100% capacity 24 hours a day, 365.25 days in a given year.

This said, average continuous power is a useful way to compare the energy lifestyles of various cultures. The average continuous power is obtained by dividing the per capita energy consumption of a nation by the number of seconds in a sidereal year, which is roughly 31,557,600 seconds. I have done this sort of calculation many times, and though I will not take the time to link all my references here and now, let me tell you that the average continuous power consumption of an American is about 12,000 watts. The average continuous continous power consumption of a citizen of China is, by contrast, right now somewhere between 900 and 1,000 watts.

Mohamed Elbaradei - winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace because of his tenure at the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency - used to make speeches in which he pointed out that the average continous power output of a Nigerian is about 8 watts. Elbaradei - who is now at the center of events in his native Egypt and who is no marionette admirer of the American way of life - is a hero of mine because he actually gave a rat's ass about the lives of Nigerians. Nigeria will build nuclear power plants - it already operates a research reactor and is training a nuclear intellectual infrastructure in its universities under IAEA auspices - and a big part of the reason that will happen is Mohamed Elbaradei.

My last diary here, before the format change about which I really couldn't care less, was about Nigeria, and the many thousands of people burned in oil accidents there, many permanently and severely maimed, others who died in great pain. Predictably a twit showed up in my diary to complain not about the Nigerian oil deaths - about which he, she or it couldn't care less - but about me, engaging me in a fierce debate about whether or not - you can't make this stuff up - I was in a library. The twit in question has a passion for diaries about snow removal on the streets of New York - that, he, she or it claimed should be an issue that determines the outcome of the Presidential selection process.

Like I said, you can't make this stuff up.

Some decades ago, I engaged in a one man revolution against the internal combustion engine, sold my wretched car and bought a bicycle. For three years, I may have been a passenger in a car less than ten times, never my own car, always someone else's. It was so rare for me to be in a car that, I still recall a time when a friend took me for a ride on the Harbor Freeway in her car and I was surprised and startled to see how scary it was to go so fast.

My physical condition was such that I could bicycle from Redondo Beach to West LA near Santa Monica fast, ride up to the home of my friends’ home to join them for an hour or two of jogging, and then ride back on my bicycle to Redondo Beach fast and think nothing of it.

Now I get out of breath shoveling the side walk. Sigh...

It was an eccentric thing to do, I admit, to opt out of the car CULTure but I wanted to prove that I did not "need" a car, and you know what? My heart kept beating, and beat, to be sure, much more strongly than it does today. I also used to read Bicycling magazine where they used to write articles about China and the fact that the bicycle was the main form of transport there, although as we now see, the Chinese have come to want cars and to feel they need cars, even if in recent history they didn't need them at all.

Today, I do drive, and feel that I "need" to do so, but I have never stopped hating this sense of "need." I could, of course, move to Brooklyn I guess, and never own a car again, but truth be told, I'm a suburban asshole with a lawn and a car.

I recently learned that the little village where I live - I live in a reasonably "walkable" community - once had its own trolley down Main Street connecting it to the other little village nearby. At the time this was an agricultural community. They tore the trolley up almost a century ago. Now the little village has a parking crisis and many of the farms have been plowed over to make suburban housing tracts filled with ridiculous Mcmansions with ridiculous cathedral ceilings.

You can't make this stuff up.

Many visceral anti-nukes - the class of anti-nukes consists almost entirely of people who know zero or next to exactly zero about nuclear science, the science of Wigner, Weinberg, Fermi, Bethe and Seaborg - have started to go into the closet. They say things like "I think we probably need nuclear energy but..."

The but is always followed by some criteria which the speaker wishes to attribute only to nuclear energy. A long time ago, when I was new to this site, and was laboring under the delusion that blogging was something other than comedy, I pointed out that every objection to nuclear energy was weighed by the creators of the nuclear enterprise before the industrial commercial nuclear enterprise commenced.

A Calculation: How Many Trillions of Dollars of Environmental Damage Will IGCC Coal Cost?

In that diary I pointed out that the people who essentially designed all of the more than 450 commercial nuclear power plants that have operated on this planet raised all of the points raised by credulous anti-nukes over sixty years later in connection with nuclear energy, before any commercial nuclear plants were built. These issues include issues of cost, the accumulation of used nuclear fuel and the radioactive isotopes in it, sustainability, risks of accidents, weapons diversion, speed of adoption etc, etc. I contend - and I consider the diaries I have written in this comedic space all have touched each of these points - that for every element of this criteria that nuclear energy is actually superior to all of the operating alternatives and that the "concerns" of anti-nukes all rely on selective attention. They can, for instance, carry on indefinitely about Chernobyl but know next to nothing about the renewable energy disaster at Banqiao that killed more than 200,000 people less than 40 years ago.

Anti-nukes try to claim that notoriously unreliable forms of energy, solar and wind, can sustain our American lifestyle all by themselves. The government subsidized car company founded by and for zillionaires - the Tesla car company - has (as of this writing) a picture of one of its stupid, indulgent products parked in front of hundreds acres and acres and acres of extremely ugly wind turbines in what used to be pristine desert, desert being an ecosystem whose beauty can be discerned only with careful contemplation and serious consideration of subtle details. Regrettably, anything that involves contemplation in our culture today is almost by definition, a non-starter, since ours is a culture that thrives on attention deficits.

Here's the car CULTure ad about the government subsidized car for zillionaires:

Tesla Motors: Go Electric

You can't make this stuff up.

The car CULTure is built in its entirety around marketing, and it is a marketing contention, and not a reality, that a wind turbine is actually something nice to see, just like car CULTure ads want you to believe that driving an SUV through a grove of coastal redwoods is a wonderful and exciting thing to do. (In truth, driving an SUV through a grove of redwoods is an obscene thing to do, at least in my opinion, but nobody’s asking me.) The irony of the electric car ad with the hundreds upon hundreds of wind turbines behind it is that it very probable that all of the wind turbines pictured could probably not power 100 zillionaire's Tesla cars, never mind 100 million such cars. Moreover both the wind turbines and the car will probably be landfill bait in less than two decades, a period in which - if we assume linearity - China will have provided 400 million cars to its citizens.

I never tire of pointing out that the two new nuclear reactors that China brought connected to its power grid last year are easily able to produce more energy each year than all of solar PV facilities connected to the grid in the 57 years since the invention of the photovoltaic cell.

Nevertheless, you still hear - Al Gore said it testifying before Congress several years back - that building nuclear infrastructure "takes too long." Now, as it happens, I like Al Gore, and voted for him three times to assume positions of increasing responsibility. I would have gladly voted for him a fourth time given the chance. In fact, the majority of Americans voted for him to assume the highest office of the land, but were usurped by the insipid votes of a few very corrupted and immoral men, including Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia and the pathetic drug addict William Rehnquist. But the fact that William Rehnquist was a drug addict who overturned the will of the American people does not make Al Gore's statement that nuclear power "takes too long" even remotely connected to reality.

France, one of the major industrial nations in the world, completely eliminated its coal based electricity generating system in about 20 years. Yet we have people, one of them voted - by the majority of Americans - to be President of the United States claiming that building wind and solar plants is the quickest way to address climate change.


We also hear, even though France has one of the lowest electricity rates in the among the top ten economic countries in the world - the price of electricity in France is less than one half the price in Denmark - that nuclear energy "is too expensive."

According to a report in Bloomberg this summer Spain has paid out about 5 billion Euros (about 6.7 billion dollars US as of this writing) in solar subsidies. Spanish banks have in addition, loaned 40 billion Euros (53 billion USD) to he solar industry in that country, which is rapidly joining countries like Ireland and Greece among Europe's basket case economies.

As of 2009, according to the EIA Spain produced 5.834 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity via solar energy, more than double it's 2008 production.

Fourty. Five. Billion. Euros.

I am critical of the solar fantasy because it's, um, toxic, inasmuch as it's pathetic and generates more complacency than energy. Translating the solar energy output of Spain......into more accessible units (to the public) of average continuous power, the 45 billion Euro Spanish investment is the equivalent of a 665 MWe power plant of any type operating at 100% capacity utilization.

Of course, the Spanish solar capacity does not operate at 100% of capacity utilization. The absolute best that any pure solar facility on the entire planet operates is 20% capacity utilization - and I'm being exceedingly generous here - and this capacity is in no way connected to demand load. Thus the entire Spanish solar capacity installation inherently requires redundancy, and in fact, a particularly pernicious form of redundancy.

The "solar will save us" exercise in Spain all took place while the Spanish economic infrastructure was degrading to such an extent that many people believe that Spain will become yet another of Europe's Euro basket cases in need of a bailout of it's government and its banks. Look for Spain to do things to rob future generations, claiming they're broke, like firing teachers for instance.

Until last week, Spain was officially a “nuclear phaseout” country, and had an artificially imposed 40 year time limit on the life of its eight nuclear reactors, all of which came on line in the 1980’s. However the Spanish parliament reversed this policy – with an overwhelming vote – and the policy has been changed so that its nuclear reactors can operate for as long as they can safely be operated. They are all Gen II type reactors and thus will probably be able to so operate for 60 years. Since both the internal cost – the cash – and the external costs of nuclear power is largely determined by the construction of plants, this is an economically and environmentally wise thing to do. The very first nuclear reactor to be connected to the grid in Spain, Almaraz Unit 1, easily produces more than all the solar PV facilities in Spain, this inside a single building that didn’t require the equivalent of a 45 billion euro investment.

Further the reactor requires no redundant infrastructure to operate, but can operate independently, and almost continuously for periods greater than a year without shutting down, and without being refueled.

Anyone remotely familiar with power generation technology will be familiar with the concept of "spinning reserve" which is generally defined as the type of power than can be dispatched to the grid in 30 minutes of less as load changes. The only type of so called "renewable" energy that meets this requirement is hydroelectricity, but, in fact, the vast majority world wide of spinning reserve is fueled by dangerous natural gas, since hydroelectricity is tapped out, with practically every major river on the planet, and many minor rivers already being dammed and damned. Dangerous natural gas plants can change their output in a matter of minutes, reliably, not that this makes them a good thing to have.

There are no permanent storage facilities for dangerous natural gas waste, which is, um, currently destroying the planet's atmosphere at an ever increasing rate. A recent article in Science suggests that carbon dioxide concentrations may more than double in this century.

This of course, touches on another criteria selectively applied to the question of nuclear energy, the famous (or better put infamous) question of so called "nuclear waste." In fact, the nuclear enterprise is unique among American power facilities inasmuch as it has contained essentially all of its nuclear power producing by products within the facility where they were generated. The coal industry can't do this; the gas industry can't do this; the oil industry can't do this, nor in fact, with a little contemplation and attention one can lean that neither the failed solar industry nor the failed wind industry can do this. The car industry can't do it either. Nor can the industries that make things like Santa themed lamp doilies in Shanghai do this.

I have written many times here about the facts behind actinides and fission products, and privately have investigated and considered or invented many ways to recover the enormous assets that they represent. If I must say so myself - and I must since many of these approaches are secrets I've developed in my tiny little head - I've understood and in some cases discovered scores of very beautiful approaches to making used nuclear fuel and enormous gift for future generations. Even the existing technology is not nearly as pernicious as is advertised by people who essentially know nothing at all about said technology. Industrial commercial plants that use less than ideal technologies for recovering the assets of used nuclear fuel have been built all around the world, in France, in Britain, in India, in Japan and in China, and even with relatively primitive technologies they have infinitely less impact on the environment than a single strip mine in West Virginia, or a week's worth of dangerous fossil fuel waste dumping in Earth's atmosphere. In fact, bad nuclear technology - I'm referring to the Purex process here - is superior to the best dangerous fossil fuel technology.

Recently I've faced a new kind of critic in this space, who raises a new objection to nuclear power: The claim that nuclear energy can be "no panacea." Implicit in this statement is the mostly unstated claim that nuclear energy cannot, support the car CULTure, the 12,000 average continuous watt lifestyle of suburban American idiots like me. Since, such objectors say, nuclear power cannot do this - and as vicious as I am about nuclear critics, I'm probably inclined to agree with them on this score - they say we also "need" solar and wind energy. One way of phrasing this is often expressed using the term "silver bullet." "Nuclear energy: such critics say, "is no silver bullet," and therefore we "need" solar and wind.


As I pointed out in a recent diary here, one can directly access the performance of a relatively large solar PV installation in Massachusetts, the one that is atop the Museum of Contemporary Art, allegedly 52 kW although one can learn through the performance the link here that the system has never, not once, not even for 15 minutes, produced that much instantaneous power. My diary reported that the system operated at 1.29% capacity utilization in January 2011, probably because the roof of the museum was covered with snow and ice. As of this writing, the performance for the entire month of February 2011 is even worse than that pathetic number. From February 1, 2011 to February 14, 2011, the system produced zero energy.

If the citizens of Massachusetts had bet the farm on the “need” for solar energy, they’d be a world of hurt right now, having spent much of the last two months – including lots of very cold days – shivering in the dark without electricity. However this didn’t happen. Mostly the citizens of Massachusetts relied on dangerous natural gas to generate their electricity during the period the solar station was useless, dumping the waste into earth’s atmosphere where it will affect every organism living on this planet. They were also able to use electricity from the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station and to import electricity from the Seabrook Nuclear Power station near the Massachusetts border with New Hampshire. They might have been able to import more electricity – with no dumped waste – from Seabrook had the construction of Unit 2 not been abandoned, in part because of the inane activities of anti-nukes who successfully stopped its completion. I have seen the looming hulk of the abandoned reactor (next to the operating reactor) and it breaks my heart.

(For the record, at the time Seabrook’s unit 2’s construction was stopped, I would have been included in the class of “inane anti-nukes.” For this, let the record show, I apologize to all humanity and to all species of living things.)

And so I arrive at the question posed by the title of this long diary, a diary I expect to go nowhere, but seem to have written anyway, “Is nuclear energy a panacea?”

Let us examine the question of what it would take for the existing population of earth to live a decent lifestyle. Obviously, from my tenor in this diary, it is probably necessary to define “decent,” but before doing so, let me make a remark about the size of the existing population, now estimated to be on the order of 7 billion people. I do not want the population to increase much beyond this number and I believe that humanity actually needs to reduce the population, ideally by attrition. But what I want is not necessarily what I expect. An alternative means of the population being reduced is via disaster. The human race is nothing more and nothing less than a biological species, our fantasies to the contrary notwithstanding, and just as bacterial populations collapse – sometimes as a function of their own waste – so can human populations collapse, not as a function of perceptions of either needs or wants, but from purely physical conditions. The atmosphere will not ask me – or anyone else – about my opinions of what I think humanity needs or wants if, for instance, saline soils, droughts, floods, glacial depletion or similar functions suddenly drop the carrying capacity of the planet for human beings from 7 billion to 3 billion or maybe even much less, including the number zero, if you must know. It will simply happen without debate.

No Congress, no Parliament, no government of any kind will be able to pass laws requiring it to rain, or for the nurturing run off of disappeared glaciers to return. We know that this is true from history. The bubonic plague did not ask the permission of any powerful king, queen, warlord or emperor to strike, nor did the collapse of the population of Easter Island, require the Chieftain of the Island’s original population to approve it.

So let me define a “decent lifestyle.” I’ve referred to this before, but my definition of a decent lifestyle is fully contained, no more, no less, in Article 25, section 1, of the “International Declaration of Human Rights,” which was passed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1948 at the behest of its greatest US Ambassador, Eleanor Roosevelt. It reads:

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

I note that the approval of the General Assembly of the article has thus far, been without force.

Note that the article says nothing at all about cars, computers, big screen TV’s, entertainment, restaurants, McMansions, or summer houses at the edges of National Seashores.

If – and note that this is a conditional statement – we want to place force behind Article 25 section 1 of the approved declaration, I believe we will need to completely phase out dangerous fossil fuels as quickly as is reasonably possible, since the continued use of these fuels is clearly and unambiguously making such force less likely.

But let’s be clear, even if we wanted the declaration to have force, there is no guarantee whatsoever that it is possible, again at the behest of the unrepealable laws of physics, that it can be done.

I estimate that to completely displace all other forms of primary energy, except for some tiny niches where things like solar PV cells actually work quite well, in spite of the way I disparage the larger aspirations, and to provide a decent standard of living as I have defined it, we would require between 5,000 and 10,000 nuclear reactors, all of which would achieve 100% burn up of all the actinides loaded into them.

I want such an outcome, but it is unlikely to happen, I think, because I expect disaster to unfold, if not in my generation, than certainly in the generation of my two sons, who I love very, very, very, very much.

China has announced its intention to build 500 nuclear reactors – more than the rest of the world has now - and is well on the way to meeting its stated goal of having between 80 and 120 before this decade ends. It is possible they will so succeed. But some of what China needs to meet these goals is involved with the flow of Rivers through the country, many of which depend upon (gasp) the Himilayan glaciers. Will it happen? Who can say?

Thus is nuclear energy a panacea? Probably not. But whatever it can and cannot do, I contend, I insist, it is still the best shot we have.

Oh, and about my son’s guitar effects box. The thing is really cool. I can’t imagine life without it, and have spent hours and hours playing my version of John Abercrombie’s beautiful piece that I have loved so well for decades, his “Timeless.”


The box is so cool that I feel almost as if I need it to play, but that is, of course, only if I need to play.

I don’t need to play.

Have a nice day.

The Westinghouse Small Modular Reactor (SMR) and the MSR

The Westinghouse SMR has just been announced. It is about 50% larger than the Babcock & Wilcox 125 MW SMR the mPower. Like B&W, Westinghouse is keeping a lot of the details of its SMR secret. One reason for that could be that neither reactor has been designed yet.

Westinghouse was, about a decade ago involved in an earlier SMR concept, the IRIS. The IRIS was substantially larger than the current Westinghouse SMR concept. My comparison of what is known about the SMR design and the IRIS suggests that the SMR design differs considerably from the IRIS design, and is considerably more compact. The IRIS was not designed as a small set of rail transportable modules, and was considerably more bulky. The general layout of the SMR is suggests that its design was not influenced by the IRIS but there are some to be some similarities between the Westinghouse SMR and the announced design scheme of the B&W mPower. This may not be entirely an accident. I can imagine some Westinghouse design engineer looking at a drawing of the mPower design and concluding that he could do a better job than the B&W design engineers.

Neither Westinghouse nor B&W have published much data on their designs. As I have indicated that is probably because the detailed design work has not started yet. The current Westinghouse concept appears to envision truck or rail transportation of factory built modular parts to the reactor building site, with final field assembly. Both the B&W and the Westinghouse design concepts appear to envision a couple of years of field assembly, with several million person hours of assembly work being conducted on site. Westinghouse may well have some assembly cost advantages due to a superior economies of scale.

Both reactor concepts envision a below grade reactor housing, thus eliminating the massive reactor containment vessel of larger reactors. Underground housing should shut up once and imaginative anti-nuclear critics like Karl Grossman, who imagine terrorists crashing Boeing 747s into nuclear plant containment structures and killing millions of people.

Drawings of proposed mPower design schemes suggest that only the reactor itself is intended to be below grade, while the turbine and generator is above ground. Although little is know about either mPower or SMR designs, it would aopear that Westinghouse is envisioning a smaller foot print for their larger reactor. The mPower offers customers a choice between air and water cooled mPower options, and this customer choice will influence above grade facility design, although B&W has not hinted yet about how think the air cooled mPower will look.

B&W envisions a six-pack reactor design, with a long narrow turbine hall running to the rear of a row of 6 reactors. The circular objects are the tops of the outer containment chamber.

Westinghouse thinking may place the SMR deeper underground, but more has to be revealed, befor we can be certain. I suspect that the Westinghouse SMR announcement was greeted with considerable interest in Lynchburg, and perhaps some consternation. B&W may want to rethink mPower electrical output, especially if they think that Westinghouse can build a 200 MW reactor for a cost that is close to the cost of the 125 MW mPower.

Finally we have to consider what this means for Molten Salt Reactor prospects. What appears to be happening is that the once morbid American Nuclear Power Industry appears to have, at last woken up, and innovate in their design. Factory building mens larger scale production, and if you cn produce parts for 100 reactors in a year, you want to sell them. If your competitiopn is also producing parts for 100 reactors then you have the potential for price competition. One war to make a profit with competition driven low prices, is to adopt cost lowering innovation, and the MSR offers outstanding cost lowering potential. So the Westinghouse SMR is a step toward the emergence of an American MSR.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Report Finds Troubling Rise In Teen Uranium Enrichment

Here is what to look for. If your teenager glows in the dark, it is likely he or she is involved in illegal uranium enrichment. If he or she is flashing a lot of Yuans and Euros, and is driving a new Mustang GT and you didn't shell out the money to buy it, then he or she may be enriching uranium and selling it to would be foreign nuclear proliferators.

Is the Obama Administration getting the message?

From NPR's Ira Flatow, February 18, 2011:
JEFF (Caller): Thank you. Tons of questions but one pops out is what can you say about these thorium-based nuclear reactors? I've heard - I've read good things about them, but no one wants to get it off the ground.

FLATOW: What are the features of - what is the future of nuclear reactors?

Dr. HOLDREN: I think there are a lot of interesting concepts in the nuclear reactor domain that are still being explored. The thorium-fueled ideas have been looked at from really many decades. For 50 years, people have been interested in thorium-fueled nuclear reactors, but there are some very substantial technical challenges in the way of making the thorium cycle really attractive. And nobody has up until now really demonstrated that those challenges can be overcome in a way that would make thorium reactors economically competitive.

I think a more interesting idea, which is reflected with a modest amount of money in the president's 2012 budget proposal, are the small modular nuclear reactors which could be manufactured in, basically, assembly-line way, would have the potential for getting the cost down, are potentially economically attractive in much smaller sizes than the nuclear reactors we've been relying on. That makes them applicable in a wider variety of places. And they could be basically switched out and returned whole to the manufacturers so there wouldn't be any spent fuel that could be used for nuclear bomb making left behind after the reactor has lived out its useful life.

Answer: No.

Comment: Obama needs to fire Holdren. Not only does he exagerate the LFtr challenges, he seems opposed to doing anything to overcome them. LFTRs are ideal as small modular reactors. They are highly efficient, and can be built in small packages.

21st Century Nuclear Challenges: 1 Mass Deployment, B. Natural Gas

In the first post of this series , I examined the arguments for the replacement of conventional coal as an energy generation resource. In this post I examine the case for coal substitution by natural gas.

Environmentalists, despite the greenhouse gas dangers associated with natural gas often associated with natural gas often point to natural gas as a replacement for coal. Mark Cooper argues that among the market factors that could end the nuclear renaissance before it begins is
Falling natural gas prices that could stay low for decades, as new technologies have dramatically increased the amount of natural gas that is recoverable;
Cooper claims,
Nuclear power simply cannot compete with low-cost natural gas. In a competitive marketplace, natural gas beats nuclear hands down from a price standpoint. This was a major factor in the collapse of the Calvert Cliffs-3 project in Maryland. Studies have shown that if built the South Texas Project - the next candidate in line for a federal loan guarantee - could not deliver electricity cheaply enough to survive. It is the key factor that has led many of the leading nuclear utilities in the U.S. to abandon plans for construction of new reactors.
Cooper's claim rest on the argument that natural gas prices dropped significantly (by 47%) between 2008 and 2010, after a prolonged rise that saw natural gas prices rise by 400% between 1998 and 2008. Nothing in Cooper's text suggest that natural gas has entered in a decades long period of price stability, and there are reasons for being skeptical about Cooper's claim. Oil Drum commenter Art Berman (aeberman) noted,
Despite four decades of oil shocks and natural gas price spikes, the future looks stable with supply and demand comfortably balanced (Figure 2). Wasn’t it just two-and-a-half years ago that $147 per barrel oil helped push the world into the current global recession? The EIA forecast is as troubling for the smooth and gradual progression of oil and gas prices as it is for the improbably low values of those prices. The history of oil and gas price, supply and demand is characterized above all by volatility but the EIA projection does not reflect this characteristic. Don’t worry, be happy.
"Aeberman" offered an assessment of the claim that natural gas will be available long term at a low price in the Oil Duum:
Shale gas operators have consistently told investors that their projects are profitable at sub-$5/Mcf (thousand cubic feet) natural gas prices. Yet company 10-K SEC filings show that this is untrue. They have invented a new calculus of partial-cycle economics that excludes major capital draws for land costs, interest expense and overhead. They justify these disclosure practices because excluded costs are either sunk or fixed and, therefore, supposedly should not affect their decisions to drill. Their point-forward plans are made at shareholder expense since the dollars spent were very real at the time, and their costs cannot be charged to a profit center other than the wells that they drill and produce.

A multi-year evaluation of production costs for ten shale operators indicates a $7.00/Mcf average break-even cost for shale gas plays in the U.S. taking hedging into account (Figure 1). In other words, shale gas plays are not low-cost but comparable to conventional and other non-conventional projects. Despite claims to the contrary, the gas-price environment has been favorable over this period, in part because of hedging, and poor performance cannot be blamed on price. Over-production has changed this dynamic and hedging will not benefit operators in the second half of 2010 or in 2011, and possibly not for several years forward. This emerging trend will test the shale gas business model and show that it is unsustainable. The same ten companies that we evaluated have cumulative debt of more than $30 billion of which three have combined debt of more than $20 billion.
Not only does "aeberman" raise doubt about the projected cost of natural gas, but he questions claims about the long term natural gas supply,
One Hundred Years of Natural Gas?
"aeberman"asks, and the answers his own question,
Many people now believe that the United States has an abundant natural gas supply that will last for 100 years. While it is true that the resource base is large and that approximately one-third is from shale gas, it is not 100 years of supply at current consumption levels. The Potential Gas Committee’s (PGC) June 2009 report estimated that the U.S. has 1,836 Tcf of technically recoverable gas resources. Technically recoverable resources are different than commercially viable reserves. Nonetheless, a more careful reading of the PGC report reveals that the probable estimate is 441 Tcf and the shale gas component is about 150 Tcf (Figure 5). That resource represents a lot of gas but, at 23 Tcf of annual consumption, it is about seven years of supply, assuming that this was the only gas available. Based on production to date, it is likely that the commercial component of this resource is between 50 and 75 Tcf assuming a $7.00/Mcf gas price.
But what about those maps that show shale gas plays extending over large areas?
All shale plays contract to a core area or “sweet spot”. In the case of the Haynesville Shale, the emerging core area represents about 110,000 acres or 5 townships (Figure 6). This is a map of estimated ultimate recovery. The hotter red and yellow colors represent the emerging core area. This area is less than 10% of the total play area in Louisiana that was promoted several years ago as the largest gas field in North America and the fourth largest gas field in the world.
The core areas of shale plays do not look nearly so grand. The Barnett shale gas play illustrates the problem,
high Barnett production volumes are unevenly distributed and many non-commercial wells have been drilled adjacent to excellent wells. The claim of repeatable and uniform results by the shale play promoters cannot be supported by case histories to date.
Shale gas wells cannot be counted on as long term producers of natural gas,
The high shale gas reserve forecasts by operating companies are based on long individual well lives of as much as 65 years. In the Barnett Shale, wells were grouped by the year of completion and evaluated based on current monthly gas production. The percentage of wells from each group that are currently producing less than 1 million cubic feet of gas per month is shown in Figure 9. This gas volume only covers the cost of well compression assuming $5/Mcf without royalty payments or other costs. In other words, 25-35% of wells drilled over the past six or seven years are not paying for the cost of compression so what is the justification for 40-65 years of advertised commercial production?
When we examined Chesapeake Energy’s type curve for the Barnett Shale and assumed that all parameters were correct--initial production rate, decline rate, well life, etc.--we found that most of the discounted net present value (NPV10) occured in the first five years and that there is negligible value after Year 20 (Figure 10). The type curve, however, forecasts about half of the reserves in years 20 through 65. Since these volumes have no discounted value, reserves are over-estimated by as much as 100 percent. There is clearly more risk in the shale plays than we are told.

There is growing evidence that the Barnett Shale play is in decline. Drilling has declined, Chesapeake Energy has sold its stAke, and Texas endured a natural gas shortage during a January cold snap. the gas shortage lead to the shutdown of numerous gas fired generating plants as well as shortages of natural gas for heating by residential and comercial customers. The shutdown of Natural Gas fired power plants lead to wide scale rolling blackouts in Texas during the coldest day of the cold snap.

It should be noted that representatives of the natural gas industry did not dispute Berman's contentions, and Cooper has not addressed Berman's analysis. Thus Cooper's claim of a decades long abundant supply of low cost natural gas supply, appears to be questionable at best, as well as contrary to the historic trend in natural gas prices.

Secondly, Cooper's claim that Nuclear power cannot compete with the low cost of natural gas generated electricity not borm out by all analyses. The World Nuclear Association points to a 2010 mstudy by the OECD which found that the international cost of electricity generated by new natural gas facilities was higher than the cost of electricity generated by new NPPs. The WNA reported an electrical generating cost of 4.9 cents per kWh for new US NPPs in 2010, while the cost of electricity produced by natural gas CCGT ran to 7.7 cents per kWh during the same year. Cost estimates were based on a 5% interest rate. At 10% interest the cost of new NPP generated electricity rose to 7.7 cents, while the cost of new CCGT generated electrcity rose to 8.2 cents per kWh.

The WNA reported that several factors significantly impacted nuclear building costs.

These include,
* Building time
* Years in operation
* Reactor size
* interest rate
* number of reactors built in a series
It should be noted that Mark Cooper has simply ignored the WNA's contentions, even though they are based on data from the OECD/IEA. Cooper also fails to consider the effect of the various cost factors pointed to by the 2010 OECD/IEA report. The deliberate withholding of cost complexity data suggests that Cooper was deliberately cheery picking in order to contend that nuclear costs were far higher than may in fact be the case. Cooper appears to pick out the highest estimates of future nuclear costs, while ignoring lower estimates from credible sources, while deliberately ignoring evidence and choosing renewable cost estimates simply on the basis of their claimed lower than nuclear costs, rather than for the presentation of strong evidence.

There is little doubt that a shift to natural gas will lower the emission of greenhouse gas in relationship to coal. Anthracite coal emits about 227 pounds of CO2 per million BTUs of heat, while natural gas emits 115 pounds of CO2 per million BTUs. in addition natural gas fired power plants operate with greater thermal efficiency. British estimates place Coal emissions at 890 Grams per kWh, while natural gas CO2 emissions are rated at 360 grams per kWh. Were CO2 the only greenhouse gas emission associated with natural gas use, the use of natural gas to mitigate the greenhouse effects of coal would be obvious. There are, as we will soon see, complexities which lead to uncertainty about the greenhouse mitigation benefits of natural gas use.

The World Socialist Web site recently took not of severalo recent accidents involving natural gas,
A natural gas explosion in Allentown, Pennsylvania, which killed five and damaged or destroyed scores of buildings last week, is just one of several such deadly incidents in the recent period.
The day after the explosion in the residential Allentown neighborhood, a massive explosion shook eastern Ohio’s Columbiana County. The blast site was in the rural town of Hanoverton. No one was injured, but the resulting fireball could be seen for miles around. Residents of Wilkshire Hills, some 25 miles away, reported seeing the flame.
Just two weeks before the fatal Allentown blast, on January 24, overpressurized gas pipes caused an explosion and fire that damaged close to 20 homes in Fairport Harbor, Ohio, near Cleveland, causing the evacuation of the entire village. While no one was injured in this particular incident, such events point to the enormous possibility for disaster in the gas pipeline infrastructure.
In another incident two days later, a house exploded in Horseheads, New York, in Chemung County, killing a toddler and injuring two others.
The story tells us that un the last few months the following accidents involving natural gas have occirred:,
• September 9, 2010—San Bruno, California—8 deaths, 52 injuries, 50 homes destroyed
• December 29, 2010—Wayne, Michigan—2 deaths, 3 injuries
• January 18, 2011—Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—1 death, 3 injured
• January 24, 2011—Fairport Harbor, Ohio—20 homes damaged
• January 26, 2011—Horseheads, New York—1 death, 2 injured, 1 home destroyed
• February 9—Allentown, Pennsylvania—5 deaths, 47 homes and properties damaged and destroyed
• February 10—Hanoverton, Ohio–brush fire
The wikipedia records the floowing Natural Gs pipeline accidents for the last decade,

2000 A 30 inch diameter natural gas pipeline rupture and fire near Carlsbad, New Mexico killed 12 members of an extended Family camping over 600 feet (180 m) from the rupture point. The force of the rupture and the violent ignition of the escaping gas created a 51-foot-wide crater about 113 feet along the pipe. A 49-foot section of the pipe was ejected from the crater in three pieces measuring approximately 3 feet, 20 feet, and 26 feet in length. The largest piece of pipe was found about 287 feet northwest of the crater. The cause of the failure was determined to be severe internal corrosion of that pipeline. On July 26, 2007, a USDOJ Consent Decree was later entered into by the pipeline owner to do pipeline system upgrades to allow better internal pipeline inspections. (August 19, 2000)[179][180][181]
* 2000 For the second time in 24 hours, a state contractor building a noise wall along the I-475 in Toledo, Ohio struck an underground pipeline, and for a second time the contractor blamed faulty pipeline mapping for the accident. In this incident, the pipe was a six-inch gas pipeline. The crew was digging a hole with an auger for a noise-wall support on September 8, when it hit the underground pipe less than 500 meters from the previous day's incident.
* 2000 A Bulldozer ruptured a 12 inch diameter NGL pipeline on Rt. 36, south of Abilene, Texas, on September 7. A police detective, with 21 years of service, was killed. Nearby, a woman saved herself by going underwater in her swimming pool. Her house was destroyed by the explosion & fire.
* 2001 A 12-inch natural gas pipeline exploded in Weatherford, Texas on March 22. No one was injured, but the blast created a hole in the ground about 5 meters in diameter and the explosion was felt several miles away.
* 2001 On June 13, in Pensacola, Florida, at least ten persons were injured when two natural gas lines ruptured and exploded after a parking lot gave way beneath a cement truck at a car dealership. The blast sent chunks of concrete flying across a four-lane road, and several employees and customers at neighboring businesses were evacuated. About 25 cars at the dealership and 10 boats at a neighboring business were damaged or destroyed.
* 2001 At approximately 5:05 a.m. MST, on August 11, a 24 inch gas pipeline failed near Williams, Arizona, resulting in the release of natural gas. The natural gas continued to discharge for about an hour before igniting.
* 2002 On March 15, a failure occurred on a 36 inch gas pipeline near Crystal Falls, Michigan. The failure resulted in a release of gas, which did not ignite, that created a crater 30 feet deep, 30 feet wide, and 120 feet long. There were no deaths or injuries.
* 2002 On August 5, a natural gas pipeline exploded and caught fire west of Rt. 622, on Poca River Road near Lanham, West Virginia. Emergency workers evacuated three or four families. Kanawha and Putnam Counties in the area were requested Shelter-In-Place. Parts of the Pipeline were thrown hundreds of yards away, around, and across Poca River. The Fire was not contained for several hours because valves to shutdown line did not exist. The Orange Glow from the fire at 11 PM; could be seen for several miles.
* 2003 A natural gas pipeline ruptured near Viola, Illinois on February 2, resulting in the release of natural gas which ignited. A l6-foot long section of the pipe fractured into three sections, which were ejected to distances of about 300 yards from the failure site.
* 2003 On March 23, a 24 inch diameter gas pipeline near Eaton, Colorado exploded. The explosion sent flames 160 meters in the air and sent thousands of Weld County residents into a panic, but no one was injured. The heat from the flames melted the siding of two nearby homes and started many smaller grass fires.
* 2003 Excavation damage to a natural gas distribution line resulted in an explosion and fire in Wilmington, Delaware on July 2. A contractor hired by the city of Wilmington to replace sidewalk and curbing, dug into an unmarked natural gas service line with a backhoe. Although the service line did not leak where it was struck, the contact resulted in a break in the line inside the basement of a nearby building, where gas began to accumulate. A manager for the contractor said that he did not smell gas and therefore did not believe there was imminent danger and that he called an employee of the gas company and left a voice mail message. At approximately 1:44 p.m., an explosion destroyed two residences and damaged two others to the extent that they had to be demolished. Other nearby residences sustained some damage, and the residents on the block were displaced from their homes for about a week. Three contractor employees sustained serious injuries. Eleven additional people sustained minor injuries.[191]

* 2003 On 2 November, a Texas Eastern Transmission natural gas pipeline exploded in Bath County, Kentucky, about 1.5km south of a Duke Energy pumping station. A fire burned for about an hour before firefighters extinguished it. No one was injured and no property damage was reported.
* 2004 On August 21, a natural gas explosion destroyed a residence located at in DuBois, Pennsylvania. Two residents were killed in this accident. The NTSB determined that the probable cause of the leak, explosion, and fire was the fracture of a defective butt-fusion joint.

* 2004 On November 8, a NGL pipeline failed in a housing division in Ivel, Kentucky. The vapor cloud from the leak ignited, seriously burning a Kentucky State Trooper evacuating those living in the area. 8 others were injured and 5 homes were destroyed. The pipeline had 11 previous corrosion failures, and is only 65 miles (105 km) long.
* 2008 A natural gas pipeline explodes and catches fire on February 5, near Hartsville, Tennessee, believed to have been caused by a tornado hitting the facility.
* 2008 On February 15, a 20 inch gas pipeline exploded and burned in Hidalgo County, Texas, closing road FM490.
* 2008 A 36 inch gas pipeline fails near Stairtown, Texas on August 28, causing a fire with flames 400 feet (120 m) tall. The failure was caused by external corrosion.
* 2008 On August 29, a 24 inch gas transmission pipeline ruptured in Cooper County, Missouri. Corrosion had caused the pipeline to lose 75% of its wall thickness in the failure area.
* 2008 Workers constructing a new pipeline hit an existing natural gas pipeline in Wheeler County, Texas, on September 9.
* 2008 A 30 inch gas pipeline ruptured & gas ignited near Appomattox, Virginia on September 14. 2 homes were destroyed by the fire. External corrosion seems to be the cause of the failure.

* 2009 On February 1, a gas pipeline explosion rocked the area 2 miles (3.2 km) east of Carthage, Texas.
2009 Bushland, Texas — Two people were hurt when a natural gas pipeline exploded in the Texas Panhandle. The explosion early Thursday, 5 November, left a hole about 30 yards by 20 yards and close to 15 feet (4.6 m) deep. The blast shook homes, melted window blinds and shot flames hundreds of feet into the air. The home nearest the blast — about 100 yards away- was destroyed. Bushland is about 15 miles (24 km) west of Amarillo.

* 2010 On June 7, a 36 inch gas pipeline explosion and fire in Johnson County, Texas, was from workers installing poles for electrical lines. One worker killed, and six were injured. Confusion over the location and status of the construction work lead to the pipeline not being marked beforehand.
* 2010 On June 8, construction workers hit an unmarked 14 inch gas gathering pipeline near Darrouzett, Texas. Two workers were killed.
* 2010 A construction crew installing a gas pipeline in Roberts County, Texas hits an unmarked pipeline on August 25, seriously burning one man.
* 2010 On August 27, a LPG pipeline sprang a leak in Gilboa, New York, forcing the evacuation of 23 people.
* 2010 A repair crew was working on a corroded gas pipe in Cairo, Georgia on September 28, when the line exploded. One crew member was killed, and 3 others burned.
* 2010 A gas pipeline under construction in Grand Prairie, Texas was running a cleaning pig on October 15 without a pig "trap" at the end of the pipe. The 150 pound pig was expelled from the pipeline with enough force to fly 500 feet (150 m), and crash through the side of a house. No one was injured.
* 2010 A 30 inch gas pipeline fails at Natchitoches, Louisiana on November 30. There was no fire, but the pipeline had a Magnetic Flux smart pig test earlier in the year that indicated no flaws in the pipeline. The deadly 1965 gas pipeline accident occurred on a different pipeline owned by the same company nearby.
* 2010 On December 17, a gas line fire and explosion just outside of Corpus Christi, Texas city limits leaves one person critically injured. A man was working on removing an abandoned pipeline when it exploded, and the man's face was severely burned.
* 2010 A pipeline at an underground gas storage facility in Covington County, Mississippi on December 28, forcing the evacuation of about 2 dozen families for over a week
This is by no means a comprehensive list. It fails to include the 2010 accident at the Kleen Energy Systems power station in Middletown, Connecticut, in whihj 6 people were killed and 27 injured. the power station was partially destroyed.

Clearly nartural gas leaks can be dangerous, but many leaks go undetected. reports:
Further threats include undetected leaks that could release small amounts of natural gas below ground over long time periods that could contaminate watersheds. Eventually the leaking methane would enter the atmosphere and contribute to global warming.
Many environmentalists concerned about climate change have often touted natural gas as an alternative to coal and oil. However, in the event of an undetected pipeline leak, escaped methane becomes a significant greenhouse gas twenty times worse than carbon dioxide . In natural gas pipeline leaks and small ruptures, if the pump pressure is not turned off, raw methane gas will escape until detected. Natural gas also escapes at well sites and from refineries. The yearly underestimate of escaping gas is approximately between 4-6 million tons. Over the last two centuries the atmospheric methane concentration has doubled, much of this likely a result of leaking natural gas pipelines.

The environmental safety record in producing regions and third world nations is not very good when compared to the developed regions that consume the gas. Generally speaking, the longer the pipeline, the more likely there will be leaks undetected for unknown time periods. Since the gas is invisible, natural gas pipeline leaks are more difficult to detect than pipelines leaking oil.

Probable risks of methane leakage, ruptures and explosions were understated in the EIS issued by El Paso Natural Gas Company. Explosions are caused by either internal or external forces causing the pipeline’s shell to rupture and leak methane quickly enough to combust the gas. Lack of repair and improper maintenance of pipelines by negligent pipeline corporations eventually leads to internal corrosion, a known cause of pipeline explosions.
No one knows exactly how much natural gas is leaking into the atmosphere. However, methane the principle gas in natural gas, if a highly potent Greenhouse gas. Climate scientists use a rule of thumb that designates methane 21 times more portent than CO2. Thus even a small amount of methane leaking into the atmosphere could have serious climate implications. Thus the claims of anti-nuclear environmentalists such as Mark Cooper that natural gas is an effective tool for climate mitigation, has been meet by considerable skepticism recently.

Gail Tverberg of the Oil Drum has just offered an assessment of recent findings on methane emissions. She points to an Energy Collective post by David Lewis, titled "EPA confirms high Natural Gas leakage rates." Lewis argued that recent EPA research, and in particularly "GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS REPORTING FROM THE PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY: Background Technical Support Document," suggested a far higher natural gas leak rate than previously estimated. Lewis concludes,
in 2004 the GAO accepted the US gas industry line that leaks were lower than 1%, and looked out at the mayhem going on in the rest of the world (Russia announced it was not flaring at all even as NOAA satellite data proved they were doing "significant" flaring) and in comparison estimated world leakage at 3%. Maybe world data was actually beyond 6%. Why is 10% out of the question? This industry is using natural gas in areas where there is no electric grid as a power source, not by burning it, but as a substitute for compressed air.

In the US, past gas use must have been worse than coal and may even now be worse than coal. It may add up that the historic use of gas in the US to the present has been worse for the climate than if coal had been substituted all along, even if the climate impact is viewed over 100 years.
These conclusions are challenged in post comments by Geoffrey Styles,
From what I read in your postings and comments, inflating the GWP for methane by 30% depends on the findings of one paper and is a matter currently under discussion by some in the IPCC, but not yet in the category of official policy and "settled science." Even so, for argument's sake let's take EPA's 261 MMt of CO2e and ratchet it up by 30% to 339 and add in the indirect and combustion CO2, to get 1339 MMt of CO2e for domestic gas's 20.4% of US energy consumption. Then we also have to up the impact of the methane emissions for coal, increasing its total to 2153 MMt for coal's 22.6% of US energy. That still leaves total CO2e emissions from gas 31% lower per BTU than those from coal. And note that this doesn't factor in the consumption side efficiencies of gas in the power applications that are the main focus of coal displacement, which has CCGTs at better than 50% efficiency, compared to coal in the mid-to-high 30s. No matter how you slice this, it still doesn't come up supporting your assertion that "gas is worse than coal".
But is Styles estimate of the carbon equivalence of the natural gas leak rate is 30% to high, is the lower figure acceptable?

Robert W. Howarth has offered similar conclusions to those offered by Lewis,
We urge caution in viewing natural gas as good fuel choice for the future. Using the best available science, we conclude that natural gas is no better than coal and may in fact be worse than coal in terms of its greenhouse gas footprint when evaluated over the time course of the next several decades. Note that both the National Academy of Sciences and the Council of Scientific Society Presidents have urged great caution before proceeding with the development of diffuse natural gas from shale formations using unconventional technology.
Natural gas has been touted as a low carbon back up to wind generated electricity. Kent Hawkins, an electrical engineer, has challenged the carbon mitigation effectiveness of natural gas backed wind resources. Hawkins views have received further support from Australian Electrical Engineer Peter Lang, (see also here).

The pro-wind blog, Embracing My Planet, has challenged what it describes as Hawkins myths, (See Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV). However, the Embracing My Planet posts stop for short of refuting Hawkins detailed arguments. My own view is that there is not enough empirical research yet, to demonstrate that natural gas backed wind is an effective tool for carbon mitigation. Hawkins and Lang have established probable cause exists for skepticism, although they have not brought empirical proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Beyond that they have shown that wind advocates who have called for wind generation systems with natural gas backup, have not demonstrated that such systems are effective carbon mitigation tools. A great deal more research is needed before we can know with anything like certainty that gas backed wind is an effective and reliable tool for fighting global warming.

We must conclude that Mark Cooper's argument for long term low cost natural gas supplies as a low cost alternative to nuclear power is open to question, and the assumption that the use of natural gas generated electricity would offer substantual mitigation to AGW is questionable at best. our conclusion must be that natural gas is not an effective, low cost substitute for nuclear power, and thus nuclear power must be deployed if Anthropogenic Global Warming is to be controlled.


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